Ritzhaupt, A., Levene, J. & Dawson, K. (2017) Where Are We as a Certifiable Body of Knowledge? Technology Certificates and Endorsements Offered by State Departments of Education in the United States. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX.

Where is the field of educational technology in terms of a certifiable body of knowledge? The purpose of this research is to examine existing state requirements for certifications and endorsements in the field of educational/instructional technology. The research consisted of mining the state department of education websites to determine what certification areas are offered in each state. This was accomplished with a two-phase process along with a researcher journal. The results suggest that, at present, 20 states had some sort of educational technology certification or endorsement. However, the requirements differed from state to state. This research will shed light on the topic and provide an in-depth review.